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Make your nomination for the 2019 Social CEOs awards
We are so excited to be opening nominations today for the 2019 Social CEOs awards. Following a turbulent week in the UK, find out what we can learn from previous winners about how to speak truth to power in my new piece for Civil Society. Who can enter? It's the 7th...
Tech for Good in the North East
We interviewed Lisa Goodwin, Deputy CEO of Vonne ( Voluntary Organisations' Network North East) about their Social Tech North East Initiative 1. Tell us how the idea for Social Tech North East came about We had been thinking for a while about how we get the VCSE...
My top 6 summer books
In July I hit pause on a busy year, spending time in the Orkney Islands and the Cairngorms, where I buried myself in a pile of books and emerged feeling restored and recharged. I like to set new resolutions after a holiday and one of them was to finish a book every...
Launching the 2019 Charity Digital Skills Report
I’m thrilled to share with you the results of the latest Charity Digital Skills Report, our annual barometer of how digital is changing across the sector. 540 of you told us about your hopes and fears for digital, how skills are evolving, and what charities want...
Machines Like Me: is this what our future holds?
What would you do if a robot came to live with you? What if it looked and behaved like a human? And what if you had to confront a moral dilemma together? That’s the premise of the latest Ian McEwan novel, Machines Like Me. It’s set in an alternative 1980s London. Alan...
Helping charity leaders make sense of digital
We interviewed Emmie Kell, CEO of Cornwall Museums Partnership, about their recent collaboration with DCMS. What are the main challenges you see charity leaders grappling with in digital? In the sector in which I work there has been a tendency to see ‘digital’ as a...
Managing staff on social media
Following the Danny Baker and Israel Folau cases, we interviewed Martin Thomas, author of the Financial Times Guide to Social Media Strategy. What are the big trends you're seeing in how employees are using social media? The emergence of WhatsApp as a means of...
How charities can think creatively about digital skills
The Social Media Spouses team at the British Forces Broadcasting Service Adam Waters, Director of Digital Content at the British Forces Broadcasting Service, shares his thoughts with us on e-learning and digital skills. I've spoken to many charities who struggle to...
3 books which could change your life
Whenever I hit a tricky moment, or I want to learn and improve, my instinct is always to reach for a book. I've picked 3 of my favourite recent reads to help you enjoy your job more, get comfortable with failure and smash the next presentation you give. One of my...
Why charities need to innovate
We've interviewed Adeela Warley, CEO of Charitycomms, about their new innovation report. 1.Do you think the charity sector is innovative? Well I think it’s a mixed picture, but the overriding feeling is that much of the sector still remains risk averse when it comes...
New online resources
Digital Strategy Resources
Digital strategy is one of our core services. We have worked with hundreds of charity and public sector organisations we’ve developed these resources to help you.
Digital Leadership Resources
These guides will help you develop your leadership skills, whatever stage you are at.
Digital Fundraising Resources
We’ve helped many charities with digital fundraising and have put together these free online resources.
Digital Governance Resources
These resources are designed to help trustees and senior leadership teams make informed decisions about digital, assess risk and to plan strategically.
Digital Skills Resources
These guides will help your charity assess and grow its digital skills, plan for organisational change and create the right culture for digital.
Inclusion Resources
Inclusion is a key part of every digital project we work on. Our resources will get you thinking about how to take an inclusive approach to digital.
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Resources
Our team is already advising charities about why, and how, to use AI, tapping into the potential of the opportunities it brings to create efficiencies and better achieve your vision and mission. We’ve created resources to help you understand the possibilities, and what your next steps should be.
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