Resources: Charity digital skills

Whether you’re growing digital service delivery or embedding remote working across your charity, the skills and knowledge of your team are the bedrock of digital transformation.

This applies to everyone from volunteers to your CEO and trustees.

Our guides will help your charity assess and grow its digital skills, and plan for organisational change and how to create the right culture for digital.


Benchmark your organisation

The 2022 Charity Digital Skills Report: our annual barometer of digital skills across the sector .

>>Find out more

How to develop digital skills across your charity

Take advantage of the great practical guides, case studies, tools and resources in The Charity Digital Code.

>>Go to this resource

Organisational change webinar

View our webinar from the Third Sector Digital Leaders programme for top organisational change tips.

>>Go to the webinar

7 skills that every digital charity leader needs

Learn more about these essential skills – and how to develop them.

>>Go to this guide

Blog posts about digital skillsZoe Amar

Topical insights and reflections from the Zoe Amar Digital team

Are charities underselling themselves as employers? 

Good digital talent has always been challenging to recruit for irrespective of the sector. Yet with the demands currently being placed on charities attracting the right talent is more important than ever.  What is just as important is securing the right candidate who...

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Boosting your online donations through your charity website

Charity Digital Skills Report 2024 Partner, Pixeled Eggs’ Sepas Seraj provides his expertise and reflections on best practices to boost donations through charity websites, from considerations in positioning your cause to practical advice on website donation journeys.

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