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What does the future of fundraising look like?
We were delighted to interview Martin Wilson, Innovation Scout from the RNLI, about their Future of Donations project. 1. To set the scene, can you tell us more about how you think the fundraising landscape is changing for charities, and what role digital plays? Ever...
The 2018 Social CEOs awards are here
Nominations open today for the 2018 Social CEOs awards. Find out what I've learned from previous winners in my piece for Civil Society, published this morning. Who can enter? This is the sixth year we've run the awards. During that time we've seen so many...
Why charities need digital design principles
We were delighted to interview Dan Sutch, director at CAST about their recently published digital design principles. How did the idea for the CAST digital design principles come about? At CAST we run a number of hands-on programmes that guide charities through...
How digital can engage volunteers
This is a guest blog from Laura Hamilton, a freelance consultant and trainer specialising in volunteer involvement and volunteer management. It also features insights from Morven MacLean, a Volunteering Development Manager at Children’s Hospices Across Scotland...
How digital leadership is evolving In the same way that organisational and digital strategy are gradually merging, so are digital and leadership skills. I was reminded of this last week, as we watched our latest cohort graduate from our fourth Third...
How tech can transform lives around the world
We're delighted to feature an interview with Vicki Hearn, CEO of Nominet Trust, about their recent report. 1.What prompted Nominet Trust to develop the Transforming Lives with Tech: A Global Conversation report? In 2017, we marked the fifth year of NT100 – Nominet...
Revealed: leadership a key issue says Charity Digital Skills Report
We're delighted to partner with Skills Platform to reveal the results of this year's Charity Digital Skills Report, the annual barometer which measures the progress of digital within the UK charity sector. The results show some improvements, but is the pace of change...
Could your charity be on the Digital Leaders 100 List?
As charities push ahead with digital change, shouldn't more of them be recognised? We interviewed Robin Knowles, Founder and CEO of Digital Leaders, to find out how charities could win a place in the Digital Leaders 100 List. Nominations close this Friday (2 March...
Why social media matters to all of us
This is a guest blog by Ian Mclintock. Ian has held various chair and CEO roles, been a passionate volunteer for 40 years and worked in the sector since 2003. He regularly blogs and posts on a wide range of charity sector matters, primarily on LinkedIn and Twitter. ...
Why charities need to reclaim social media for good
Here's our interview with Vinay Nair, CEO and Co-founder of Lightful, about their recent #Reclaimsocial campaign. Tell us about the #ReclaimSocial media campaign, and why you started it. Our social media feeds are almost entirely filled with negativity nowadays. It’s...
New online resources
Digital Strategy Resources
Digital strategy is one of our core services. We have worked with hundreds of charity and public sector organisations we’ve developed these resources to help you.
Digital Leadership Resources
These guides will help you develop your leadership skills, whatever stage you are at.
Digital Fundraising Resources
We’ve helped many charities with digital fundraising and have put together these free online resources.
Digital Governance Resources
These resources are designed to help trustees and senior leadership teams make informed decisions about digital, assess risk and to plan strategically.
Digital Skills Resources
These guides will help your charity assess and grow its digital skills, plan for organisational change and create the right culture for digital.
Inclusion Resources
Inclusion is a key part of every digital project we work on. Our resources will get you thinking about how to take an inclusive approach to digital.
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Resources
Our team is already advising charities about why, and how, to use AI, tapping into the potential of the opportunities it brings to create efficiencies and better achieve your vision and mission. We’ve created resources to help you understand the possibilities, and what your next steps should be.
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