
Zoe AmarWelcome to our blog!  Find out how charity leaders are leading digital change and get all the latest resources and advice from the Zoe Amar Digital team.

Is your charity looking for trustees?

I’ve been really inspired by all the great stuff going on during Trustees Week . It’s reminded me how being a trustee is a fantastic opportunity to learn new skills and make a difference, and how charities can benefit enormously from trustees’ experience and...

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Digital: What Every Charity Leader Should Know

Apologies for not blogging for a while. I've been snowed under with the launch of Lasa's 'Digital:What Every Charity Leader Should Know' report. It features crowdsourced insights into how charity leaders can engage with digital to build a more sustainable sector,...

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5 key tips for charity communications strategies

Next week (on 30 May) I’m off to a Charity Comms workshop on charity communications strategies. It promises to be a very useful event and it’s got me thinking about what I’ve learned over the years from working on charity communication strategies. So I’d like to share...

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Is consensus always the answer?

Stakeholder management has been very much on my mind this week in the run up to the Charity Leaders’ Exchange event which I am chairing this Thursday. As I blogged about last week, how you take people with you in difficult times- whether they  are funders,...

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New online resources

Digital Strategy Resources

Digital strategy is one of our core services. We have worked with hundreds of charity and public sector organisations we’ve developed these resources to help you.

>>Go to these resources

Digital Leadership Resources

These guides will help you develop your leadership skills, whatever stage you are at.

>> Go to these resources

Digital Fundraising Resources

We’ve helped many charities with digital fundraising and have put together these free online resources.

>>Go to these resources

Digital Governance Resources

These resources are designed to help trustees  and senior leadership teams make informed decisions about digital, assess risk and to plan strategically.

>>Go to these resources

Digital Skills Resources

These guides will help your charity assess and grow its digital skills, plan for organisational change and create the right culture for digital.

>>Go to these resources

Inclusion Resources

Inclusion is a key part of every digital project we work on. Our resources will get you thinking about how to take an inclusive approach to digital.

>>Go to these resources

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Resources

Our team is already advising charities about why, and how, to use AI, tapping into the potential of the opportunities it brings to create efficiencies and better achieve your vision and mission. We’ve created resources to help you understand the possibilities, and what your next steps should be.

>>Go to these resources

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