
Zoe AmarWelcome to our blog!  Find out how charity leaders are leading digital change and get all the latest resources and advice from the Zoe Amar Digital team.

UK charities and ‘The Overhead Myth’

Sorry that this blog has been a bit quiet for the last few weeks. I’ve been busy moving house and starting my new job as a marketing and digital communications consultant. I’ve got some great projects in the pipeline and am working with some fabulous people. It is...

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On charity marketing and volunteering

Lots of you have been asking about the launch of the Chartered Institute of Marketing’s charity interest group, which launched on Tuesday with a special event at Cass Business School. I’m on the advisory board for the group, which brings together professionals with an...

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Mobile is the new normal

Hands up if you’re going to Media Trust’s Go Mobile conference. Matt Collins wrote a great blog this week on 5 ways charities should go mobile which contains lots of useful tips. It’s a subject close to my heart as I’ve blogged before about why charities may be...

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We need to talk about leadership

Last week an article in Third Sector about leadership caught my eye. In it Geraldine Kilbride, a business psychologist and leadership behaviour specialist from London Business School, warned charities that their leadership is a decade behind the private sector....

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On Findus lasagne and the power of Twitter

It hasn’t been a good week for Findus UK, who had to withdraw its beef lasagne from sale after horsemeat was found in the beef. I don’t envy the Findus PR team one bit. And their comms crisis may get even worse. The Food Standards Agency wants Findus to test the...

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Is Vine the next Pinterest?

Last week saw the launch of Vine, the video sharing app from Twitter, which allows users to record and share 6 second looping videos. There’s a handy round up of Vine from Vasileios Kospanos on UK Fundraising. There are already some great examples of charities using...

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How transparent is your fundraising?

  This morning I took my toddler and newborn to a music class at a local church, (Emmanuel Church) in our area of North London. Whilst there I came across a great example of transparency and fundraising. As you can see from the picture, on their noticeboard the...

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New online resources

Digital Strategy Resources

Digital strategy is one of our core services. We have worked with hundreds of charity and public sector organisations we’ve developed these resources to help you.

>>Go to these resources

Digital Leadership Resources

These guides will help you develop your leadership skills, whatever stage you are at.

>> Go to these resources

Digital Fundraising Resources

We’ve helped many charities with digital fundraising and have put together these free online resources.

>>Go to these resources

Digital Governance Resources

These resources are designed to help trustees  and senior leadership teams make informed decisions about digital, assess risk and to plan strategically.

>>Go to these resources

Digital Skills Resources

These guides will help your charity assess and grow its digital skills, plan for organisational change and create the right culture for digital.

>>Go to these resources

Inclusion Resources

Inclusion is a key part of every digital project we work on. Our resources will get you thinking about how to take an inclusive approach to digital.

>>Go to these resources

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Resources

Our team is already advising charities about why, and how, to use AI, tapping into the potential of the opportunities it brings to create efficiencies and better achieve your vision and mission. We’ve created resources to help you understand the possibilities, and what your next steps should be.

>>Go to these resources

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